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LIFE RISORGIVE Conservazione della biodiversità nel comune di Bressanvido
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  • Signing of the Risorgiva Contract

Signing of the Risorgiva Contract

On September 29th 2020 Associations and Public Entities signed the Risorgiva Contract as a part of Life Risorgive Project.

The Risorgiva Contract is a voluntary agreement defining a common strategy for the preservation, management and enhancement of local territory and water resources. It also aims to contribute to the protection and local development of the concerned area.

Several public authorities, municipalities and associations have decided to sign the Risorgiva Contract developed within Life Risorgive project, committing themselves to protect the Resurgences and the local environment.

Among signatories there are the four project partners – Municipality of Bressanvido, Veneto Agricoltura, Consorzio di Bonifica Brenta and Aquaprogram – plus several local Municipalities, Land reclamation and Water authorities, trade associations and others public and private entities. Total signatories, at the end of the event, were about thirty.

We thank all the participants of the event, for their commitment, and for their cooperation in respecting distances and hygiene standards.

Contratto di Risorgive (2)

Contratto di Risorgive (1)

Firma_Veneto Agricoltura (1)

Firma_Consorzio bonifica Brenta (2)

Firma_Comune di Bressanvido (2)


Download the Resurgences Environments Management Handbook

Presentation of new walking and cycling paths and maps


LifeRisorgive is a project by
logo comune Bressanvido
Partners of project
logo Consorzio di bonifica Brenta logo Veneto Agricoltura logo Aquaprogram
With the contribution of
logo Life logo natura 2000
Supporters of the project
logo Acque vicentine logo Latterie Vicentine logo PABAT logo Coldiretti logo Comitato Risorgive Bressanvido

With the contribution of European Union financial instrument
Learn more


Comune di Bressanvido
Via Roma, 42
36050 Bressanvido (VI) - Italy

tel +39 0444 660223