Intervention summaryProject 7 “Stradella dei Vegri” includes 2 resurgence systems: CR10, CR19. These have been treated, from the point of view of the interventions, as a single project.
The intervention consisted of maintenance actions, which provide for ordinary management with mowing of the grass once a year and interventions for the arrangement of the bottom and of the banks.
Works implemented: Sediment removal and re-profiling of the riverbed on both channels and restoration of flows and slopes, arrangement of the support of the bank and arrangement of existing bridges, creation of a constructed wetland area for the northern part.
Deviations from original plans / relevant notes: none
Intervention official documentation (in Italian). In questa pagina potete scaricare documenti e materiali relativi al progetto. • RELAZIONE PAESAGGISTICA • VALUTAZIONE DI INCIDENZA • TAVOLA DI PROGETTO • RELAZIONE TECNICA • REPORT INTERVENTO