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LIFE RISORGIVE Conservazione della biodiversità nel comune di Bressanvido

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Work began on restoring the Risorgiva Comunale in Bressanvido!

The works, foreseen by the C.3 action of the project, will end in spring and aims at creating a site that does not only have an environmental value, but is also functional to inform the local population on nature and resurgences conservation. In mid-January the cleaning and restoring of the Stradella dei Vegri started, too. The brambles and some dangerous trees and trunks have been removed along the way. Soon the sediments present in the raceways will be removed along their entire length, and a water purification area will be created.
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Networking meeting with WetNet project

On Tuesday, December 4, a delegation from the Life Risorgive project went to the Veneto Region headquarters in Venice to meet the representatives of the WetNet project, of which the Veneto Region is the leader. On this occasion it was possible to present the respective projects and exchange reciprocal experiences on the topics of Resource Contracts and Wet Area Contracts. Continue Reading


On November 30th some representatives of the project attended the final conference of the Life SILIFFE project. On this occasion it was possible to exchange knowledge and common practices to the two projects.

Specifically, we talked about the resurgence systems of Veneto, the use of environmental indicators for the description of resurgence ecosystems, the faunistic and botanical resurgences of the Tesina, Bacchiglione and Sile river, the ecosystem services of resurgence habitats and of the Resurgent Contract as an element of socio-environmental management.


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On November 14th at the Council hall of Bressanvido there was a Technical and Dissemination meeting for the Reclamation Consortia that have joined the collective project of the intervention16.5.1 of the Rural Development Plan.

The meeting, organized by Veneto Agricoltura together with the Municipality of Bressanvido, involved dr.ssa Lazzaro and dr.ssa Martini of the Agroambiente Organizational Unit of the Veneto Region.

The participants visited the Risorgiva Girosa, place of the LIFE Risorgive project, to see the techniques used for the renaturalization and redevelopment of the resurgence and the watercourse.

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SUNDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER 2018, h 9.00 Court of Villa Pagliusco – Via Chiesa Nord 5 Bressanvido

In the occasion of the Agriculture Festival in Bressanvido from September 23-30th 2018, LIFE Risorgive project organizes a workshop to be held on Sunday 30th September at 9.00 am, to learn about the main species of amphibians and reptiles presented in our environment and at risk of extinction . Afterwards, a walk along the Lirosa canal, one of the intervention area of the LIFE Risorgive project, will be carried out, in order to find out more about these species.

Free entry and subject to availability

For more information and registration, visit the website www.festivalagricoltura.it Or contact 331 72 32 000 – info@festivalagricoltura.it To consult the complete program of the Agriculture Festival click here.

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LifeRisorgive is a project by
logo comune Bressanvido
Partners of project
logo Consorzio di bonifica Brenta logo Veneto Agricoltura logo Aquaprogram
With the contribution of
logo Life logo natura 2000
Supporters of the project
logo Acque vicentine logo Latterie Vicentine logo PABAT logo Coldiretti logo Comitato Risorgive Bressanvido

With the contribution of European Union financial instrument
Learn more


Comune di Bressanvido
Via Roma, 42
36050 Bressanvido (VI) - Italy

tel +39 0444 660223