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LIFE RISORGIVE Conservazione della biodiversità nel comune di Bressanvido

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Representatives of the LIFE Risorgive project attended the final conference of the LIFE AQUALIFE project “Ecosistemi dipendenti delle acquee sotterranee ” organized in L’Aquila from 04 to 06 July 2018. The project aims to develop an innovative and user-friendly system to assess the biodiversity of groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs).

In particular, partner Aquaprogram attended the conference, as responsible for the implementation of biodiversity monitoring (Action D1), socio-economic impacts (Action D2) and the assessment of the recovery of ecosystem functions (Action D3) of the project LIFE Risorgive.

During the meeting, LIFE Risorgive project was presented in a dedicated area, where the two projects shared technical information and experiences, in a perspective of networking activity. Indeed, Acquaprogram will test the software developed by the ACQUALIFE project in the intervention territories of the LIFE RISORGIVE project, in order to identify a possible way to use the application for monitoring the recovery of ecosystem functions and biodiversity and by strengthening cooperation between the two projects.

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The municipality of Bressanvido, coordinator of the LIFE RISORGIVE project, has launched a school-work alternation project dedicated to the students of the Liceo Quadri (AY 2017/2018), for a total of 45 hours of school-work project. Between June and August 2018, the students involved will collaborate in the creation of materials useful for protect dissemination and promotion to different publics, acquiring naturalistic communication skills, teamwork skills and strengthening their scientific knowledge at the same time, coherently with the educational course attended (flora and fauna of the irrigation ditches, urban ecology, anthropic impact on vulnerable ecosystems). The project of school-work alternation is divided into 3 phases:
  • In the first phase, in collaboration with Aquaprogram, Consorzio di Bonifica Brenta, Veneto Agricoltura, Municipality of Bressanvido and Bressanvido water-spring committee, the students will perform sampling irrigation water and record Life Risorgive project progress and its impact on the local population and associations contributing in its success
  • In the second phase, each group selects and edits the documents produced (videos, texts, images, insights, interviews), in order to create an effective video document from the point of view of dissemination and effective scientific communication
  • The third phase is the presentation, in the context of a local public event, of the video produced.
The groups will be made up of 6 students of 4FSA class and will explore different areas of the “Rogge” in the Municipality of Bressanvido. Each group includes students having different competences, among the following:
      1) water sampling
      2) cartography and in-depth analysis of plant and animal samples
      3) videomaker
      4) assembly
      5) interviews
      6) text writing
      7) creativity
      8) music
The ASL project sees a collaboration with Parolini Institute (Bassano del Grappa), as some of the students of this Institute are members of the Liceo Quadri working groups, bringing specific skills in the field of surveying and remote sensing. Continue Reading


On May 01 2018 from 08.00 13th edition of the Magnalonga will take place in Bressanvido, a 12 km gastronomic walk between local farms to discover art, dishes and local traditions.

During the day, visits to the Risorgiva Naturale Lirosa will be organized, in which the interventions realized within the LIFE RISORGIVE project will be illustrated.

For more information:
Facebook Pro Loco Bressanvido

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LifeRisorgive is a project by
logo comune Bressanvido
Partners of project
logo Consorzio di bonifica Brenta logo Veneto Agricoltura logo Aquaprogram
With the contribution of
logo Life logo natura 2000
Supporters of the project
logo Acque vicentine logo Latterie Vicentine logo PABAT logo Coldiretti logo Comitato Risorgive Bressanvido

With the contribution of European Union financial instrument
Learn more


Comune di Bressanvido
Via Roma, 42
36050 Bressanvido (VI) - Italy

tel +39 0444 660223