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LIFE RISORGIVE Conservazione della biodiversità nel comune di Bressanvido
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Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 – Code regarding the protection of personal data.

This statement is provided, pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data), to Users who interact with the web services of the Life Risorgive Project, which can be accessed online from the home page of the official web site of the Life Risorgive Project: http://www.liferisorgive.it. This privacy statement describes the methods used to manage the official web site of the Life Risorgive Project, and other external web sites that can be consulted by the user through.


The IT systems and the applications dedicated to the function of this site detect, as part of their normal function, some data (the transmission of which is implicit during the use of the Internet communication protocols) not associated with directly identifiable Users. The data collected includes IP addresses and domain names of computers which are used by Users who connect to the web site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in reply, the numeric code indicating the status of the reply from the server (successfully completed, error, etc.) and other parameters relative to the User’s operating system and computer environment. This data is used for the time strictly necessary, with the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the web site and to check that it is working correctly.

1.2. Data supplied voluntarily by the users
the explicit and voluntary sending of email messages to the addresses listed on access points of this site and the compilation of designated forms, entail the subsequent acquisition of the user/sender data, necessary to respond enquiries and/or provide the requested service. Specific summarised information shall be included or displayed on web pages dedicated to particular services on request.

Computing techniques for the direct acquisition of personal identification data are not used in any way.


The Life Risorgive Project carries out the processing of personal data strictly within the boundaries of necessity for the purposes of its institutional functions, excluding the processing when the purpose can be achieved by using anonymous data or methods that allow identification of the person concerned only when necessary. Specific aims, relative to single processing operations, will be reported in detail through the various access channels. Within them the user will find information on the processing of personal data.


Personal data is processed using automated instruments for the time strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it has been collected.


Users may decide whether or not to provide the personal data specified in the request forms for the various services offered in the portal; failure to submit the mandatory data requested will make it impossible to obtain the service.


The personal data of people who request the sending of informative material (mailing lists, answers to questions, alerts and newsletters, acts and measures, etc.) will be used for the sole purpose of performing the requested service or action requested and shall be disclosed to third persons only for the purposes of: that which is necessary for the fulfilment of requests; dispatch of the required documents; disclosure is required by law or regulation; during legal proceedings. The processing of any data in relation to the services of this website will only be carried out by technical personnel from the Life Risorgive Project, in charge of processing data.

The “data controller” for data relating to visitors to this site who have been or can be identified, is the Municipality of Bressanvido, with headquarters at: Via Roma, 42 – 36050 Bressanvido VI. 


The “parties concerned”, in other words the individuals or legal entities, authorities or associations to whom the personal data refers have the right to obtain confirmation, at any time, regarding the existence or the data, the contents and origin thereof, to check the accuracy of such data or request that it be supplemented, updated or corrected within the meaning of article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196 dated 30/06/2003. Under the same article, the users also have the right to request cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form or blocking of data regarding them, processed in violation of the law, and oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their processing.


Under Community and Italian legislation we are required to communicate how we use cookies.

We believe in protecting your privacy and explaining in a transparent manner how we use your data. The information on this page is designed to allow you to be fully informed about navigation through our website (the “Site “).

This cookie policy (the” Policy”) describes the different types of cookies that may be used by our company (and/or any third party) by the site and explains you how to handle the same. This Policy is subject to changes in accordance with laws and/or new technical and commercial purposes that can be pursued through the Site. Please see section “last updated” at the bottom of this page to find out when the Policy was last updated. Any changes to this Policy enter into force with its publication on the Site.

cookie is a string of small dimension text which store some information regarding the navigation of the internet user; these are sent from the website to the terminal in use (computer, smartphone, tablet etc.).

Cookies are used for a variety of purposes; execution of computer authentication, tracking sessions, storing information about specific configurations about users accessing the server, etc. They allow identification of the user’s device whenever they visit this site, ensuring a more efficient operation, enriching the visitor experience and providing information to the website operators.

Some cookies are automatically eliminated at the end of the navigating session, while others are stored on the terminal usually hosted on the user’s browser. 

To learn more about cookies and the relevant privacy legislation, please consult the appropriate document drawn up by the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, available from the following link: http://www.garanteprivacy.it/web/guest/hme/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/2142939 

The cookies we use are: Technical cookies, divided into navigation/session cookies (ensure normal navigation and use of the Site);


Session cookies

Are temporary cookies used for the proper working of the Site, to allow any customization by users and possibly improve the usability and performance of the Site.
Session cookies are cancelled by the computer when the browser is closed.


the major browsers can be set to prevent cookies from being accepted. However, disabling cookies may result in difficulty of navigation or sometimes inability to use certain features of the Site.

Below are instructions for disabling cookies for the most widely used browsers. For the setting of cookies in browsers other than those listed, you should refer to the information folder prepared by the creator of your browser.

• Internet Explorer 8.0+

-Click on “Tools” in the menu bar and select “Internet Options”
Click the “Privacy” tab at the top

-Drag the slider up to “Block all cookies”

• Firefox 4.0+

-Click on “tools” in the menu bar

-Select “Options”

-Click on the privacy tab

-Check the box “Enable the anti-tracking policy option”

• Google Chrome
-Click on the “Chrome Menu” in the browser tool bar

-Select “Settings”

-Click on “Show advanced settings”

-In the Privacy section, click “Contents settings”

-In the “Cookies” section select “Ignore exceptions and block third party cookie settings”

• Safari 5.0

-Click on the Safari menu and select “Preferences”

-Click on the “Security” tab

-In the section “Accept cookies” specify whether you want to accept cookies always, never or only from sites visited.

You can also prevent the registration of cookies by using the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) Europe unsubscribe platform, using the following link: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/.


LifeRisorgive is a project by
logo comune Bressanvido
Partners of project
logo Consorzio di bonifica Brenta logo Veneto Agricoltura logo Aquaprogram
With the contribution of
logo Life logo natura 2000
Supporters of the project
logo Acque vicentine logo Latterie Vicentine logo PABAT logo Coldiretti logo Comitato Risorgive Bressanvido

With the contribution of European Union financial instrument
Learn more


Comune di Bressanvido
Via Roma, 42
36050 Bressanvido (VI) - Italy

tel +39 0444 660223