Intervention summaryProject 6 “Roggia Tergola Nord” includes 1 resurgence systems: CR29.
The intervention consisted of actions aimed at maintenance, which provide for ordinary management with mowing of the grass once a year and small interventions to rearrange the bottom and banks and redevelop the head of the bridge and the shaft.
Works implemented: Purge by hand, arrangement of the sides of the resurgence head and of the rod, arrangement of the area with side softening. Removal of abandoned cement waste.
Deviations from original plans / relevant notes: none
Intervention official documentation (in Italian). In questa pagina potete scaricare documenti e materiali relativi al progetto. • TAVOLA DI PROGETTO • RELAZIONE DI INCIDENZA • RELAZIONE PAESAGGISTICA • RELAZIONE PAESAGGISTICA SEMPLIFICATA • RELAZIONE TECNICA • REPORT INTERVENTO