Intervention summaryProject 3 – “Tergola Scuole” includes 2 resurgence systems: CR32-CR33, CR34. These have been treated, from the point of view of the interventions, as a single project.
The interventions consisted of actions aimed at maintenance, which provide for ordinary management with mowing of the grass once a year and small interventions for arranging the bottom and banks, purging interventions aimed at removing sediments from the bottom and arranging the banks, and interventions of environmental requalification of the resurgence area and of the river. A pedestrian path to access the area was also created.
Works implemented: Removal of sediments and re-profiling of the riverbed, laying of the flat bridge towards the south that crosses the channel to connect to the path, positioning of stones and boulders, positioning of constrictor, barriers, creation of a reproduction of amphibians, islands, re-profiling and lowering of embankments with the creation of a wetland, creation of a pedestrian path and laying of a flat bridge to the north.
Deviations from original plans / relevant notes: none
Intervention official documentation (in Italian). In questa pagina potete scaricare documenti e materiali relativi al progetto. • RELAZIONE PAESAGGISTICA • TAVOLA PROGETTO • RELAZIONE TECNICA • VALUTAZIONE DI INCIDENZA • REPORT INTERVENTO