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LIFE RISORGIVE Conservazione della biodiversità nel comune di Bressanvido


In this page you can download the main documents of the project
Note: Documents are in Italian, most part of them have an English abstract

The Risorgive Handbook

To download the Handbook, click HERE

The Risorgiva Contract

To download the Risorgiva Contract, click HERE

To download appendix A –Preliminary Analisys, click HERE

To download appendix B – Strategic document, click HERE

To download appendix C1 – Action program, click HERE

To download appendix C2 – List of proposed intervention, click HERE

To download the report “Quadro conoscitivo finale del Contratto di Risorgiva”, click HERE.

Informative panels of the territory and the resurgences

To view the notice board “LIFE RISORGIVE PROJECT”, click HERE.

To view the notice board “CASTELLARO”, click HERE.

To view the notice board “STRADELLA DEI VEGRI”, click HERE.

To view the notice board “LIROSA”, click HERE.

To view the notice board “ROGGIA RIO”, click HERE.

To view the notice board “ROGGIA TERGOLA”, click HERE.

To view the notice board “FONTANILE CASTELLARO”, click HERE.

To view the notice board ”CAPOFONTE ROGGIA TERGOLA”, click HERE.

To view the notice board “RISORGIVA TERGOLA”, click HERE.

To view the notice board “STRADA NAPOLEONICA”, click HERE.

Report of the monitoring activities

To download the “Final monitoring report D2 2020: social and economic effects”, click HERE

To download the “Final monitoring report D3 2020: flow measurements”, click HERE

To download the “Monitoring report D3 2018: flow measurements”, click HERE

To download the “Monitoring report D3 2017: flow measurements”, click HERE

To download the “Monitoring report D3 2018: environmental state of Resurgences and rivers”, click HERE

To download the “Monitoring report D3 2017: environmental state of Resurgences and rivers”, click HERE

To download the “Monitoring report D1 2018: Biological indicators”, click HERE

To download the “Monitoring report D1 2017: Biological indicators”, click HERE

To download the Questionnaire “Action D2”, click HERE.

To download the Questionnaire “Action D2 – social and economic impact”, click HERE.

Other documents

To download the LIFE RISORGIVE PROJECT presentation, click HERE.

To download the LEAFLET of the project, clickHERE.

To download the book of “LE RISORGIVE” (only in Italian), click HERE.

To download “POSTER AQUALIFE 2018”, click HERE.


LifeRisorgive è un progetto di
logo comune Bressanvido
Partners del progetto
logo Consorzio di bonifica Brenta logo Veneto Agricoltura logo Aquaprogram
Con il contributo di
logo Life logo natura 2000
Sostenitori del progetto
logo Acque vicentine logo Latterie Vicentine logo PABAT logo Coldiretti logo Comitato Risorgive Bressanvido

Con il contributo dello strumento finanziario LIFE dell’Unione Europea
scopri di più


Comune di Bressanvido
Via Roma, 42
36050 Bressanvido (VI) - Italy

tel +39 0444 660223